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6 Benefits of Ornamental Plants for Health

Some health experts say, maintaining plants can improve the air quality inside the home, as well as its inhabitants healthy. As reported, NASA scientists suggested to maintain chrysanthemum plants that are rich in health benefits.

Through recent research, chrysanthemum shown to reduce indoor air pollution.

If you are a lover of plants, it is advisable to maintain a 14-16 type plants were placed in pots measuring
about six inches.

What are the benefits to be gained from maintaining houseplants? Here are some of them.

1. Reduce dust
Indoor plants can improve indoor humidity levels and reduce dust. Increased levels of humidity and dust are reduced also able to suppress the possibility of developing the disease from the cold up to 30%.

2. Eliminate sleepiness
Excess carbon dioxide in the room can make you tired and sleepy easily. During the process of photosynthesis, plants absorb carbon dioxide and release oxygen in the room, so that the oxygen levels in the room for more.

3. Eliminate stress
Each color has a different effect psychologically. Seeing green objects such as plants, can make the mind more fresh and stress-free.

4. Cure headaches
High carbon dioxide in the room can cause headaches. Indoor plants produce oxygen and reduce carbon dioxide levels, so you breathe more air is fresher and healthier.

5. Relieves nasal congestion
Some types of plants, such as eucalyptus, can eliminate phlegm and relieve respiratory system. Line tenggororokan became freeway and relieve nasal congestion when you are attacked flu. The plant is also efficacious as a natural antiseptic. Suction aroma of eucalyptus leaves (do not eat!), And you will be free from congestion.

6. Moisturizing the skin
Plant a natural filter for the air and can increase the humidity in the room, even if you live in a dry climate. It is good to keep the skin from becoming dry conditions.

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